Strategy & Roadmapping

[vc_row][vc_column][mk_padding_divider size=”25″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Your IT infrastructure will likely go in a new direction over the next 5-10 years. Whether it’s finding the right destination or the best way forward, we make sure you arrive safely.

The Right Technology Roadmap for You

Most IT departments today are on missions to transform themselves — whether it’s to move to the cloud, save $100 million over 10 years, or achieve some other goal. Their CIOs and IT managers always need to answer two key questions: “Is this objective right for us?” and “If this is the right objective, what steps should we take to get there?”

Spearhead can help you answer both questions. We’ve coached organizations on these journeys hundreds of times. We know how to assess IT goals in terms of a company’s readiness, its current and future business needs, and whether the goal makes sense given the available options in technology, providers, service offerings, rate plans, and more.

Sometimes the answer is not what clients expect— like when a company asked us to help them move to the cloud and we found that they could run 70% more efficiently by continuing to run their applications out of storage rather than in the cloud.

It’s also one thing to say, “Let’s move to the cloud” or “Let’s adopt an software defined networking architecture” and another thing to know how to do it — in what time frame, at what cost, with what business disruption, with what benefits, and by taking what specific action steps, and in what order. That’s why clients call Spearhead.

We will:

  • Evaluate your strategic goals in light of your current and future business needs, available technology options, and likely business impacts.
  • Prepare a plan on exactly how best to achieve your mission within the minimum timeframe with the least business disruption and maximum financial payback.
  • Orchestrate the steps needed to achieve your strategic IT objectives, working alongside your staff as needed to ensure success.
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