How would you like to procure and administer Telecom and IT services from best-in-class suppliers, leading with Lumen, and including 300 other carefully curated vendors, like an industry pro who routinely executes and manages contracts for hundreds of organizations worldwide? Now you can.
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What You'll Get
RFP REVIEW & ANALYSISWe identify the best solutions suited to your particular needs, request proposals, and negotiate terms — resulting in the best and most defensible contracting decision.
BENCHMARKINGBecause we handle so many large organizations and have such strong relationships, we’re unmatched when it comes to knowing which services excel (or not).
LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENTWe track the lifecycle of equipment, data center utilization, circuits, carrier contracts, maintenance agreements and contracts so you don’t overpay.
PROJECT MANAGEMENTYour IT project will only succeed if it achieves the desired business outcome in dollars saved, agility acquired, and new capabilities gained. We’re here to make sure it does, based on our expertise putting services to work for organizations like yours.
TELECOM EXPENSE MANAGEMENTTelecom billing errors cost companies tens of thousands each year in overcharges, late disconnects, unused credits, and more. Our clients save an average 23% on their bills.